Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dad's driving

Dad went driving today. For the first time dad drove the car and the caravan for nearly 300 miles. He drove from Texas, Dallas to Oklahoma. Now were here for 2days. I was nervous for dad when he would have to reverse with the trailer hooked on. I was scared even though I'm not the one driving. But luckily he didn't crash into anything! Ahaha funny wierd thing with the girls today. Dad was drivinng in the caravan park and the girls were being annoying and then Chantelle and Rochelle had to walk to the place where were parking the car and trailer. Ahaha.
Wow! Today let's just say will be one I wished Dad bumped something so I could remember it for the rest of my life ahaha. But since he didn't I'm happy for him and that no animals died cause of Dad's mistakes hehe.
Chantelle and Rochelle in the room not so good. Chantelle hates the dark and Rochelle mmmm not much to say about her.
The weather here is CRAZY!!!! It's absoultly hot all the time. The best weather time would be in the evenings their much cooler. I love the weather in the evenings but not in the day.
Over all so far in the trip not bad. I'm living through it and no ones annoyed each other to death yet. Not just  yet, but soon I think. Kidding.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    Hope you're going well and the heat doesn't get too much for you guys!
